Titer Determination: Simultaneous Titration of Duplicates

2022-03-11 09:03:03 By : Mr. Harry Sun

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Synchronous titration of samples that have been duplicated is an appropriate method to increase the sample throughput since it permits a 50% reduction of analysis time. Titration Excellence T9 can carry out the titer determination in two separate beakers simultaneously.

Two methods are synchronized to run the titer standardization at the same time using Tower A and B on the InMotion™ Autosampler with two towers. The analysis of a series sequence comprised of two sample series for the acid content determinations begins using OneClick™.

Using potassium hydrogen phthalate KHP as a primary standard, this text outlines the titer determination of 1 M potassium hydroxide KOH. The titer determination is conducted synchronously at Tower A (M811A) and Tower B (M811B). The titer values acquired can be used for concurrent titration of duplicated resin samples set out in Application M793.

Glass titration beakers are used to prevent any issues occurring due to electrostatics, such as the contamination of sample powder onto the sample beaker wall. Weighing 0.8 g of potassium hydrogen phthalate, the sample is then placed in each beaker. Mark each beaker with a pen in line with their position on the sample rack of InMotion Autosampler i.e. B1/A1 for position 1, B2/A2 for position 2.

Deionized water is placed at the position for special beaker 1 and 2 (for InMotion Flex 100 mL: pos. 16 and 15) in two beakers. These beakers are used to clean the sensors and tubes after each sample. Station two empty beakers at the secure conditioning beaker and rinse beaker position (for InMotion Flex 100 mL: pos. 18 and 17). These beakers are utilized for parking the sensors at the end of the titration.

Image Credit: Mettler Toledo - Titration

Set down the duplicates on the sample rack:

Pour 80 mL deionized water into each beaker and then simultaneously initiate the two methods on Tower A and B using a series sequence SSQ. The sample series sequence includes a sample series for each tower A and B with a matching number of samples.

Please note: to run in excess of one duplicated sample, it is necessary to define the same number of samples in each of the sample series. For instance, measurement of 7 duplicates -> n=7 in both sample series A and B. For each titrants KOH A and KOH B for both towers A and B, the mean value of titer is saved into the built-in RFID chip of the burettes.

C8H5O4K + KOH → C8H4O42- + H2O + 2 K+

Image Credit: Mettler Toledo - Titration

Table 1. Source: Mettler Toledo - Titration

Workspaces A and B of Titration Excellence T9 are used to run duplicated samples:

Two sample series with methods M811A and method M811B are generated for the titration of duplicated samples:

1) Sample series ‘Sb850 Titer A7’ (M811A) for titer determination at Tower A:

           a. Input only no. of samples, e.g. n = 7 for 7 duplicated samples

2) Sample series ‘Sb850 Titer B7’ (M811B) for titer determination at Tower B:

           a. Input the no. of samples, e.g. n = 7 for 7 duplicated samples

           b. Start Position - InMotion: 1st MF Titration Stand: InMotion T/1B: 1

                                                            2nd MF Titration Stand: InMotion T/1A: 2

                                                            4th MF Titration Stand: InMotion T/1A: CP+1

                                                            5th MF Titration Stand: InMotion T/1B: CP+1

A sample series sequence ‘Sb850 Titer AB7’ is generated for both methods to begin synchronously with OneClick (choose ‘Immediate start’ when generating the shortcut with ‘Add to Home’):

Image Credit: Mettler Toledo - Titration

Image Credit: Mettler Toledo - Titration

Table 2. Source: Mettler Toledo - Titration

Image Credit: Mettler Toledo - Titration

Table 3. Source: Mettler Toledo - Titration

METTLER TOLEDO instruments are used in research, scientific and quality control labs, amongst many others in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetics industries. They are a global market leader with the three instrument groups most frequently used in the laboratory, like balances, pipettes, and pH meters, and we are a pioneer in the field of Automated Chemistry.

METTLER TOLEDO industrial solutions cover the diverse steps in a host of manufacturing processes at many of the same customers as served for the laboratory. Solutions range from receiving raw materials, in-line process control and end-of-line packaging control, to logistics and shipping. Increasingly, these solutions are fully integrated into the customer's IT environment, helping automate their workflows.

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Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 at 4:23 AM

Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report:

Mettler Toledo - Titration. (2020, December 22). Titer Determination: Simultaneous Titration of Duplicates. News-Medical. Retrieved on March 11, 2022 from https://www.news-medical.net/whitepaper/20201222/Titer-Determination-Simultaneous-Titration-of-Duplicates.aspx.

Mettler Toledo - Titration. "Titer Determination: Simultaneous Titration of Duplicates". News-Medical. 11 March 2022. <https://www.news-medical.net/whitepaper/20201222/Titer-Determination-Simultaneous-Titration-of-Duplicates.aspx>.

Mettler Toledo - Titration. "Titer Determination: Simultaneous Titration of Duplicates". News-Medical. https://www.news-medical.net/whitepaper/20201222/Titer-Determination-Simultaneous-Titration-of-Duplicates.aspx. (accessed March 11, 2022).

Mettler Toledo - Titration. 2020. Titer Determination: Simultaneous Titration of Duplicates. News-Medical, viewed 11 March 2022, https://www.news-medical.net/whitepaper/20201222/Titer-Determination-Simultaneous-Titration-of-Duplicates.aspx.

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