In a previous column, I asked if anyone would want to write a few words about my late friend, Jim Masters, a retired educator and football “buff” who so many people knew and enjoyed. I also asked if anyone had a friend they lost that they would like to hear comments about from readers.
With this, Glen Gaski sent me an email talking about both his late friend, Brian “Beaker” O’Keefe, and my friend, Jim.
“I would like to comment on my best friend who passed away very unexpectedly on September 17th, 2020, Brian ‘Beaker’ O’Keefe, the son of Bernie and Jean Sue O’Keefe.
“I met Brian in the 2nd grade at John J. Jennings School (Bob M. - Ironically the same school which Jim Masters graduated from). Although we started off as enemies in the 2nd grade, we became inseparable through the rest of grade school, junior high, high school, and then trade school, and we even started a business together repairing air conditioning units during and after trade school years.
“Brian said he wanted to try a new career in corrections for the State of CT, which he very much succeeded in retiring in 20 years. Brian and I remained very close, and I knew that either of us could count on one another any day or any time for anything.
“I truly miss my friend who was taken from us all too early in his life.”
Glen added that his friend’s nickname came from his hairdo at the time somewhat looking like that of the character of “Beaker” of the “Muppet’s Show.” Glen also said he’d like to hear comments on “Beaker” from others who knew him. You can send them to me to be forwarded.
Jim Masters from Glen Gaski
“I had met Jim many years ago through working at various gyms around town. He then became a very loyal customer of ours at Cousins Oil for many years and we all would welcome his visits to our office to set up a service or pay for delivery.
“Jim was always a positive man and always made you feel good after a chat about any topic with him. He is much missed by many of his past students, friends in the community, and all of us at Cousins Oil.”
Monday’s “Primetime” Column featured a photo of Peter Varerio and Morris Laviero with their snow removal equipment at the end of neighbor John Leone’s driveway before clearing the area of the white stuff. With this, John sent me the following words, and aren’t they so appropriate for all of us to see:
“It’s good to let people know that in these difficult times, neighbors come through for one another. I’m sure there are hundreds of stories all over Bristol where the same friendships have been made and continue.”
The lone birthday on my crystal ball just returned from the shop after having a crack in it, is that of Jay Pahl today. He’s the third-generation member of his family that has operated the garage, gas station, and car sales location on the corner of Brook Street and Stafford Avenue.
Contact Bob Montgomery at or by calling 860-583-5132. Phone number: 860-584-0501 E-mail: Address: 188 Main St. Bristol, CT 06010