After an amazing group performance, we got to see another of our masks take it off, showing the super secret celebrity that had been hiding all along.
We also got a peek at what some of our masks have been posting on their social media, giving us an added hint to their super secret ident
F ernando Tatis Jr., fresh from hitting 42 home runs last year, smacked his first one this year on Tuesday.
It came without a pitcher on the mound nor was it accompanied by one of Tatis’ signature bat flips. There was no cheering crowd marveling over their goose bumps, with Tatis conn
A variety of new extra-curricular clubs recently launched at a Flintshire high school are proving to be a hit with students.
This term, using wellbeing grant funding, Flint High School has been running new art and science clubs for years 7 and 8, and the PE department has introduced a h
Carmen is going to be in the next season of Netflix’s You
It’s been just over 10 years since the final episode of Tracy Beaker Returns aired and the cast of arguably the best show on CBBC has been pretty busy.
Tracy Beaker Returns was the first spin-off series from the
The Beakerhead festival is returning to Calgary for their “restart version” of their festival – and this year, they are teaming up with the TELUS Spark Science Centre.
The festival will also see Mayor Jyoti Gondek piloting an experimental robot, a hack-the-house event, a unique d
When you have hundreds of breweries to choose from in Colorado (and thousands of beers), why not get a flight?
Courtesy of Great Divide Brewing Company
Colorado’s craft brewing scene is far from pint-size. There are more than 400 breweries in the Centennial State (it ranks fifth
New Electrochemistry Bench Meters Simplify pH, Conductivity and DO Measu...
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People use to say Lyme disease was fake. They accused sick people of being hypochondriacs and attention seekers. Lyme disease was even called trendy like it was cool to catch and so people were faking it. There were a lot of Lyme disease jokes.
It was awful how sick…
A Home for t
Archaeologists have discovered an ancient brewery dating back to over 4,000 years ago in the so-called German Stonehenge.
The find, believed to be central Germany's first brewery, was excavated at the Ring Sanctuary of Poemmelte located in the Salzland district in the state of Saxony-Anh
With roving scientists, live music and guided nature walks, the Beaker Street science and arts festival hoped to show visitors it wasn’t just about ‘people in labs with test tubes’
The chances of bumping into a scientist are higher in Hobart than any other city in Australia, largel