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The tourists took a break to gorge on cheese. So much cheese, of so many types — cubes of habanero-cheddar, havarti and fontina, and a citrus-Monterey Jack that somehow was the best of all. We’d made an impromptu stop at the Loleta Cheese Factory in central Humboldt County, because, as our guide, Matt Kurth, the founder of Humboldt Cannabis Tours, said, “Who doesn’t want to get stoned and eat cheese?”
But when Kurth told Bob Laffranchi, owner of the Loleta Cheese Factory, why we’re here, the color seemed to drain from Laffranchi’s face. He took me outside for a word. He wanted to be clear about the one-sided nature of this cheese/stoner relationship. “I just don’t want people to be confused,” he said, looking pained. He was emphatic: There’s no dope in his cheese and there never will be.
To the wider world, Humboldt County is known for two things: Redwood trees and marijuana. But there hasn’t been much intersection between the tourists who travel here to see the region’s coast redwood forests and the thousands of people employed in its marijuana industry.
Despite the scale of the black-market pot farming — some estimate there are 15,000 pot gardens scattered around the county — the practice remains relatively hidden from view. The more unsuspecting tourist could drive clear from Garberville to Orick and never notice anything more than a strange preponderance of hydroponics stores and soil suppliers.
Kurth is trying to change that. Now that recreational use of marijuana is legal in California, he and many others here would like to see Humboldt County cash in on its reputation. They want it to be for weed what Napa Valley is for wine — not just a wholesale supplier, but an all-around cultural destination.
“We have all the pieces,” Kurth says. “The name, the weed, the food.”
With recreational cannabis becoming legal at the beginning of the year, Kurth sees the county as California’s ascendant marijuana mecca. So I went up to Humboldt, the epicenter of pot culture and cultivation in the state, for a glimpse into the future of canna-tourism.
I meet Kurth on the morning of Jan. 12, outside the Clarke Museum in Eureka’s Old Town for his first tour since legalization. He has a reddish beard, and he’s wearing a sweatshirt and a black ball cap emblazoned with his Humboldt Cannabis Tours logo.
Kurth says he’s a longtime stoner and medical user of cannabis. For a while he thought he might like to be weed grower — until he spent a summer doing it. “It’s scary and hard,” he says. “Not for me.”
He studied recreation administration at Chico State, and found that he enjoyed giving tours. After a decade-plus working as a river guide, he decided to combine his passions. He recently quit his job as head of aquatics at the local water sports center and bought a black 12-seater Nissan van.
Kurth climbs into the passenger seat of his van. His driver today is Evan Moore, whose company, CannaGraphics, specializes in close-up photography of marijuana. We are joined by Kurth’s friends Michele Malaret and Gordon Griswold, co-founders of Leaf Detective, a lab that tests cannabis for THC content (that’s the plant’s psychoactive component) and contaminants. Kurth turns to us.
“Welcome to Humboldt Cannabis Tours!” he says. Then we’re off.
The first stop is just down Highway 101, across from a Best Western, in what is currently one of Eureka’s more desolate stretches. We’re greeted outside by Graham Shaw, whose company, Graham’s Brand, was the first to receive a permit to grow marijuana in Eureka city limits.
At present, though, Graham’s warehouse is bare concrete and cinderblocks, looking more like the recycling center it recently was than the dispensary he envisions. He shows us the blueprints: The room will be partitioned, with a retail counter in the middle and grow rooms on three sides, visible through big windows. Visitors will be able watch employees at work tending to the plants. “It’ll be similar to touring a brewery,” he says. “You’ll have a true farm-to-table experience.”
He leads us upstairs, into a small room filled with his “mothers”—the female plants that he’ll eventually use to build up his indoor farm. He points out the various strains he’s created, some named for local landmarks around his childhood home in San Jose: “Berryessa Blue Dream,” “Mt. Hamilton Headband,” “Alum Rock O.G.” Later, he shows us stickers, each with the name of one of his strains set over a weed-centric painting in the style of 1920s Californian vegetable advertisements. He started working on his branding back in 2013, he says, in anticipation of the legal market. “I think branding is hyper-important,” he says. “Like, über important.”
Many of the people I’ve spoken to here agree that new competition from farther south will edge out Humboldt as the face of mass cannabis production in the state. Already, prices for commodity-grade marijuana have fallen dramatically in the county, and many believe they could continue to drop. “Our future isn’t in growing tons of weed,” Shaw says. Instead, he says, the county’s growers should focus on high-end products.
“That’s the Humboldt County brand — top-of-the-line, cleanest ingredients, best practices,” says Alanna Powell, director of Humboldt Made, a marketing organization that recently started representing local weed businesses. “We consider it just another exceptional product out of Humboldt County.”
Our next stop is at EcoCann, a new dispensary in Eureka that sells exclusively Humboldt-grown cannabis. The doorman checks our IDs and we crowd into the small showroom, along with a swirl of visitors. A countertop display holds packs of pre-rolled joints in cigarette-style boxes, and behind the glass are rows of extracts and edibles.
Like Kurth, EcoCann manager Ray Markland hopes tourism will eventually prove to be a cornerstone of the local cannabis industry. “This is our chance to save the local economy,” he says. “I really hope we can band together.”
Local boosterism aside, this dispensary is essentially the same as ones I’ve visited in Alaska, Colorado, and Oregon. Stopping here feels a bit like taking a break from a wine tour to run into the liquor store. When I mention this later, Kurth tells me the problem is that none of the farms or cannabis processors in the county are yet able sell their product at their location. The state recently put new rules in place to fix the problem, he says, but nobody’s had a chance to get that permit, yet; at the moment, this is the only option for buying weed.
We pile back into the van and head south. Between Shaw’s unfinished storefront and the stop at the generic dispensary, this weed tour has begun to feel like watching a Polaroid develop — the basic shapes and contours are starting to appear, but none of the details are clear.
This impression is heightened by the fact that, as Kurth laments, although you can now legally buy marijuana for recreational use, you can’t smoke it in public. Kurth had warned us that the tour wouldn’t be “a contest to see who can get the most high.” But two stops in, none of us are even a little stoned.
Another problem for Kurth’s effort to market cannabis tourism, he says, is that, so far, none of the hotels in the area want anything to do with him or his clientele. It’s part of a general reluctance on the part of the county’s more established tourism operations to advertise Humboldt’s most (in)famous industry. Tony Smithers, executive director of the Eureka-Humboldt Visitor’s Bureau, told me via email that this is largely because cannabis remains illegal under federal law.
Each year, more a million people visit the redwoods in Humboldt’s national and state parks, according to the visitor’s bureau. “Right now, our primary brand is the redwoods,” Smithers says. “We need to be cautious if we are to consider altering it.”
Besides, he says, “A real demand for marijuana tourism in Humboldt remains to be seen.”
After stopping for lunch at the Loleta Cheese Factory, we drive to Phillipsville, at the south end of the county, to a small cluster of buildings across from the Eel River. There we meet Eric Martin and Robert Wiener, owners of Humboldt Alchemy Group, a cannabis extract producer that recently received a business permit from the state.
The first building we visit is the group’s pre-processing facility, high-ceilinged with epoxy floors and a long metal table cluttered with glass beakers and tubes. It smells overwhelmingly of weed — in the corner, stacked chest-high, is a pile of black garbage bags, all filled with marijuana from local farms. Martin shows me the machines that chop, grind, and bake cannabis to prepare it for extraction, and an apparatus that collects the terpenes, the molecules that give weed its distinctive smell.
Martin holds out a mason jar full of golden liquid for me to smell. These “pure terps,” as he calls them, are unlike anything I’ve smelled before, reminiscent of Pine-Sol, but in the same way that wine smells reminiscent of grape juice.
We go next to their distillery, a separate building across the parking lot. The room is full of expensive-looking stainless steel equipment. Wiener and Martin use liquid carbon dioxide to force THC and other oil-bound active ingredients out of the cannabis plants they’ve ground and dried. They then distill this raw oil down into several forms. One is yellowish and opaque, another honey-brown and clear. They’ll offer these extracts packaged in cartridges for vapor pens, flavored with the terpenes they captured earlier.
“Everyone from your pets to your grandmother, there’s going to be an extract-based product for them,” Martin says.
Visiting the Humboldt Alchemy lab is a look into an arcane, futuristic process, unlike anything I’ve seen before. It’s a hint, finally, of what cannabis tourism could eventually be — a window into a major industry and subculture that has been hidden from view.
As we head back north toward Eureka, Kurth acknowledges that the tour isn’t yet where he wants it. Because it’s winter, there aren’t any outdoor farms ready to go, and because it’s so early in the state’s permitting process, there aren’t any indoor farms ready for us to visit, either.
Nathan Whittington, owner of Ladybug Estates, an outdoor cannabis farm near Ferndale, tells me later he thinks that for many farms, it will be a long time, perhaps years, before they’re ready to accept tourists. Whittington says he’d eventually like to host cannabis-themed weddings, but that would require bringing roads, bathrooms and handicap access up to code. “The amount of compliance that goes into making this a tourist destination is pretty onerous,” Whittington says.
Kurth is more optimistic about the timeline. “I think by this summer, it’ll look a little different,” he says. By then, there will be plenty fully permitted farms to visit, he says. Shaw, similarly, says that he’ll be ready to play host at his shop in Eureka by this summer or fall. “The wheels are turning,” he says. “We’re positioning ourselves to be ready as soon as we humanly can.”
Kurth’s vision of cannabis tourism is grand — and a little contagious. Spending a day with him, you can almost see the 420-friendly spas, cannabis education centers, stoney riverside picnics and heady hikes through redwood groves he describes. Pro-pot lodgings would throw their doors open, and the wall of secrecy separating the county’s rich subculture from the flow of tourism dollars would fall away.
He imagines his future clients, too: The Bay Area nouveau riche, the Boomers who used to smoke and want to try it again in retirement, the young dabblers, the hipster snobs, the former teenage stoners like me, and even people who don’t indulge but are curious about the culture. These clients, he thinks, could be the Humboldt cannabis industry’s best hope in the age of legal weed.
“I don’t see the whole thing working without tourism,” Kurth says.
In many ways, today’s tour matches the industry Kurth aims to reveal — still rough-edged, in the process of reinventing itself. As he puts it, “We’re still trying to build the airplane when we’re already in the air.”
It’s not ready yet, but you don’t have to get high to see the potential.
Zach St. George is a freelance writer in Oakland covering science and the environment. Email:
Humboldt Cannabis Tours; 3215 Halfway Ave., Unit A, McKinleyville, CA 95519; (707) 839-4640;