Faculty of Pharmacy, Pioneer University of IndonesiaNarkoba stands for narcotics and dangerous drugs or NAPZA stands for Narcotics, Psychotropics and other Addictive Substances.Drugs are substances or compounds derived from plants or non-plants, both synthetic and semi-synthetic, which can cause a decrease or change in consciousness, loss of taste, reduce to eliminate pain and can cause dependence.There are several types of drugs, including: narcotics;are substances or drugs derived from plants or non-plants, both synthetic and semi-synthetic which can cause a decrease or change in consciousness (UU RI No. 35, 2009).Victims of drug abuse in Indonesia show a very high prevalence and increase.From 2007 to 2010 found 582 cases of methamphetamine or 45% of 1305 narcotics cases.These data indicate that methamphetamine abuse has become a serious threat and it is necessary to tackle the problem simultaneously and continuously by the government and all components of society.Psychotropics are substances or drugs that can reduce brain activity or stimulate the central nervous system and cause behavior accompanied by the emergence of hallucinations (delusions), illusions, impaired ways of thinking, changes in mood and can cause dependence, and have a stimulating effect on the wearer.Psychotropics are divided into 4 groups (UU RI No. 5, 2009), including:Drugs that are included in the psychotropic group are opium and its active components, among others: methamphetamine, MDMA, penciclidine, flunitazepam and cathinone.Methamphetamine, which is often referred to as methamphetamine, is a class II (second) psychotropic type, in the form of white, yellow, or brown powder, or small crystalline white powder, with an amine odor and easily soluble in water and alcohol.Methamphetamine (MA) is often called d-deoxyepedhrine;desoxyephedrine;or methylamphetamine;has the molecular formula C10H15N, with a molecular weight of 149.23 g/mol, a colorless, clear, non-volatile liquid, a specific gravity of 0.91-0.92 g/L, a boiling point of 214oC.Usually consumed by swallowing, inhaled, smoked and injected.Short-term effects of methamphetamine include: increasing body temperature;damage to the cardiovascular system;paronoia;increase heart rate;increase blood pressure;become hyperactive;reduce drowsiness;become hyperactive;tremors;decreased appetite;dry mouth;nauseous;headaches, and behavioral changes.Long-term effects of methamphetamine, usually consisting of: blurred vision;dizzy;increased heart rate;headache;high blood pressure;lack of appetite;rapid breathing and restlessness.Drug testing can be done with a variety of tools and methods.One of them is the GC-MS method.GC-MS is short for gas chromaography mass spectrophotometry.This instrument is a combination of GC and MS tools.The sample to be examined is identified first with a new GC (gas chromatography) tool, then identified with an MS (mass spectrometry) tool.GC and MS are simultaneous combinations and are used to separate and identify the components of a mixture.Gas chromatography is an analytical method, where the sample is physically separated into smaller molecules (the result of the separation can be seen in the form of a chromatogram).While mass spectrophotometry is an analytical method, where the analyzed sample will be converted into gas ions.The mass of these ions can be measured based on the detection results in the form of a mass spectrum.In GC only separation occurs to get the desired component, whereas if it is equipped with MS (functions as a detector) it will be able to identify the component, because it can read the molecular weight spectrum of a component, there is also a reference in the softwareThe advantages of the GC-MS method compared to other methods include: efficiency;high resolution so that it can be used to analyze very small particles such as pollutants in the air, mobile phase (gas) flow;very controlled and steady speed;length and temperature can be adjusted;it is very easy to mix the sample vapor into the mobile phase;fast analysis, usually in just minutes;does not damage the sample;high sensitivity so that it can separate various compounds that are mixed with each other;and able to analyze various compounds even in low levels/concentrations.Weigh the pure crystals of MA-HCl as much as 12.42 mg which is equivalent to MA=10 mg, then dissolve it with methanol in a 10 mL volumetric flask to the limit mark.1 mL of 1000 ppm mother liquor was pipetted, put into a 10 mL volumetric flask, then methanol was added to the marking line and a concentration of 100 ppm was obtained.Pipette 5 mL of a standard solution with a concentration of 100 ppm, put into a 10 mL volumetric flask, then add methanol to the marking line and a concentration of 50 ppm is obtained.Pipette 5 mL of standard solution with a concentration of 50 ppm, put into a 10 mL volumetric flask, then add methanol to the marking line and a concentration of 25 ppm is obtained.Drug addict blood sample preparationSamples from solid-phase extraction were injected 1 l in GC-MS with the conditions: injector/detector temperature 280oC, gas flow rate He 40ml/min, column temperature 700oC for 3 minutes, then 120oC/min to 2100oC and hold for 15 minutes, column DB-5/HP-5.(***)